Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Things of Legend pt 3


the rangers are in the world series i don't think i need to say more....

but i'm excited its a great year to be a baseball fan.

The rangers seem to be slumping during the first game but we got 6 more games...and im holding to my win in 5 prediction....

anyways got a lot of stuff going on this week...but expect a longer post before next wednesday...


Saturday, October 16, 2010

random thought

I was hanging out at Barnes & Nobels with one of my friends earlier this evening and we were looking at the Bible section, and something struck me.

Quick, how many Bibles do you have in your house/apartment/dorm room?

How many study Bibles, ones with leather covers, full color maps, ho many different translations? 

How many people do you know will loan you a Bible, or how many churches can you go to and  possibly receive one at no charge?

Ok, now how much of the Bible have you read through?

I'm going to leave it there for tonight, I'm not trying to accuse anybody, I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone. Remember to be thankful you have full access to God's word when there are so many out there who don't.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Things of Legends pt. 2


The Rangers did it! For the first time in franchise history the Rangers have won a division playoff! *does happy dance* This is history in the making, they play the Yankees Friday for the start of the ALCS.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Things of Legend

"Heroes get remembered but legends never die"

yes, this is another baseball post. I don't apologize.
Baseball is a sport steeped in legend Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, Nolan Ryan, The '04 Boston Red Sox. but a new feat is in the works, the Texas Rangers have for the first time in 11 years went to the playoffs and for the second time in Ranger history won a playoff game.  and not just won but dominated with a final score of 5-1.

the outlook for the post season looks good and if they take the pennant it'll be worth telling my grandchildren about, if they make the world series i'm gonna go batcrap insane...

and in case you haven't noticed this is October.

PS once my workload lightens up some...expect bits of a new story, and i promise goatman sometime soon...