Monday, July 5, 2010


Greetings to all of you in Internetland. (Yes I said Internetland...don't look at me like that...)
I hope each and everyone of you had wonderful and safe Independence Day celebrations over the weekend, and if you live outside of the US in weird and strange places, such as Canada, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, despite the excuse to blow stuff know, I wonder if other countries use explosives to celebrate their birthdays? Any way had fun last night hanging out at my aunt and uncle's swimming and eating ribs and beans and other good foods and then enjoying the fireworks put on by the city of Vicksburg

I'm sitting in the living room at my grandmother's place here in Madison MS, and once again it rains...seriously every time I come out here, it rains...i'll be here for the next couple of weeks, hanging with family and what not...

So with out much else going on I'm going to introduce a new feature which will probably be used 3 times and then sit at the bottom of the closet collecting dust...without further ado:


That's right this is the part of the show where we pull a post from myspace written all the way back in 2007 when the presidential elections were barely beginning to pick up steam, and facebook was not widely used...

this post was entitled

Who Reads The Manual Anyway?

Do you ever pay attention to the warning labels on those bottle rockets or firecrackers?  You know, the one's like "WARNING: contains explosives!!!" (well, duh) or "DO NOT POINT TOWARDS PETS or PEOPLE!!"(again, duh). And yeah, they're stupid, but have you ever done something wrong and later thought " Man, that was stupid..."?

And when realizing that 99% of us don't read warning labels, or read instruction manuals, I wonder, how many of us are paying attention to God's instruction manual? Are we reading and following His instuctions and warnings? How many can actually tell me that (pardon the crude analogy) they have read to learn that flap "A" folds into slot "B", or or have you tossed the manual aside and are currently attempting to put flap "A" into slot "D"? I'll admit, there have been times that I have tossed aside the Bible to attempt to float through life, only to realize that i need the instruction manual, to correctly assemble the proverbial model car.

How about you are you reading the manual? Or are you one of the people they write the warning labels for?
Wow it seem that has as much relevance now as it did those many years ago...

until next time sports fans,
-SuperNerd “2007 feels like a lifetime ago” 64