Saturday, December 25, 2010

break, christmas, and lunar eclipses

that's basically been my week...

and now for a couple of pics:

 I stayed up till like 4:00 Monday night/ Tuesday morning watching the lunar eclipse, I was tired, my neck hurt from looking straight up, and it was awesome! i would have had  a couple more pics if my hand was a tad camera buffs are gonna hate me for this but  after setting up the tripod and getting all the zoom lenses on, i switched my camera to program so i could focus my tired brain on lining up the shot so i don't know what it went to for exposure(i'm thinking 1 sec) or aperture...200 iso film, slight tweaking in picasa...

Tuesday night I went with a friend to look at the lights at Sundance Square.....

and also went by the Pier1/ Chesapeake  building to look at these Amazing trees!  I really hope they do this again next year they are really cool!

well with that... its now offically Christmas, I wish everyone a happy and safe holidays.

Good night and see you next time

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I've missed my weekly posts for a couple weeks has been nuts...and i used this weekend to breathe...

so i've spent the weekend taking photos and shopping for stuff to fill shoeboxes with a friend.
we are still collecting shoeboxes at TCC NW through Friday... so if you have one but can't get up there this week let me know.

Current Shoebox count: 2

Keep an eye out for updates i plan on catching back up on this blog and maybe posting new photos on the wordpress... (found here)

'til next time sports fans,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Things of Legend pt 3


the rangers are in the world series i don't think i need to say more....

but i'm excited its a great year to be a baseball fan.

The rangers seem to be slumping during the first game but we got 6 more games...and im holding to my win in 5 prediction....

anyways got a lot of stuff going on this week...but expect a longer post before next wednesday...


Saturday, October 16, 2010

random thought

I was hanging out at Barnes & Nobels with one of my friends earlier this evening and we were looking at the Bible section, and something struck me.

Quick, how many Bibles do you have in your house/apartment/dorm room?

How many study Bibles, ones with leather covers, full color maps, ho many different translations? 

How many people do you know will loan you a Bible, or how many churches can you go to and  possibly receive one at no charge?

Ok, now how much of the Bible have you read through?

I'm going to leave it there for tonight, I'm not trying to accuse anybody, I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone. Remember to be thankful you have full access to God's word when there are so many out there who don't.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Things of Legends pt. 2


The Rangers did it! For the first time in franchise history the Rangers have won a division playoff! *does happy dance* This is history in the making, they play the Yankees Friday for the start of the ALCS.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Things of Legend

"Heroes get remembered but legends never die"

yes, this is another baseball post. I don't apologize.
Baseball is a sport steeped in legend Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, Nolan Ryan, The '04 Boston Red Sox. but a new feat is in the works, the Texas Rangers have for the first time in 11 years went to the playoffs and for the second time in Ranger history won a playoff game.  and not just won but dominated with a final score of 5-1.

the outlook for the post season looks good and if they take the pennant it'll be worth telling my grandchildren about, if they make the world series i'm gonna go batcrap insane...

and in case you haven't noticed this is October.

PS once my workload lightens up some...expect bits of a new story, and i promise goatman sometime soon...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I sniff books

My Name is SuperNerd64, and I Sniff Books...whew... that was tough, you know that smell of a new book? freshly bound and unread? its intoxicating, i can't get enough of it, and its gotten pretty any book will, old, classic, modern, they all have that smell, and i can't get enough of it...

if you're like me please go to we won't help you quit sniffing books (after all why keep people away from good literature) but hopefully we'll provide entertainment when you are bored...

in other news my classes are starting to catch up to me...i'm moving back to saturdays and random spots of free time....


P.S. if you are interested in my digital art class blog, its


Saturday, September 25, 2010

They're in!

Today is a very significant day for Rangers fans...They did it! We're in the Pennant race with the Twins, Yankees, and Rays ( unless the Sox can get ahead five and a half games in these last couple weeks [hey, I've seen stranger in baseball]).

So I am totally stoked for October now! and despite what my mom thinks the television will be tuned to baseball when there is a game on.  If she starts rooting for the Yankees...well, lets save that for another blogpost...

its fall, its post season, ITS TIME!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weekly Wednesday (on Thursday)

phew, another busy week! *deep breath*, okay i'm good tie up last week, thank you toothpic for the guest post, I forgot to link to her blog last week so here it is:, its pretty interesting, might even add some culture to your life!

anyway, i've been kinda busy with all my classes lately, digital art being the biggest pain just because i have to be at school to work on it...and kickboxing has been giving me a pretty intense that's my life right now...

oh new premiers of tv shows this week

THE EVENT, looks really good so far expect new posts to possibly be inspired by it....

looking forward to Big Bang Theory, and the Office, and a couple other shows too

tune in next time,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Guest Post! College football

 Ok so here's the deal...I post every Wednesday however this week I've been wayy to busy to write i'm skirting the post rule by having a guest good friend Toothpic volunteered to do one so here it is enjoy!

Unless you live under a rock you probably know that most of America is obsessed with football. Note I didn't say American males, there are tons of females obsessed with football too. I walked down the hall in my dorm this Sunday and three girls were tuned into a football game. Three different girls, in their own rooms all watching the same game. At least dudes are smart and have parties with food to watch football. The TV in the lobby is almost always tuned to football with a couple of guys (or girls) sitting around it. I grew up with one side of my family LOVING football. One of my cousins even said 'Football is life'. I mean, don't they ever get tired of sitting in front of a screen, or on a bleacher yelling at guys who do the same thing week after week? Oh wait it gets better. This weekend is THE game of the week between UT and Texas Tech (igoraiders!). The hardcore fans set up tents outside of the stadium on Sunday night waiting for the game this weekend. They even have a sign saying 'Raiderville, Population: 825'. Yes that is how many hardcore fans are out there. They would have set up their tents earlier but they weren't allowed to until Sunday night. If that just isn't way too obsessed, you are over the deep end than I don't know what is. I understand playing football, and throwing a football around. I get that, my football career was shortlived after I had my major football accident. We were only playing touch football so who knows what would have happened if we were playing tackle football. I guess it just goes with our young people's obsession with converse, randomness, tangents, the f word, complaining about school, a host of other things I could make a whole blogpost complaining about. But until then I am spending my time avoiding being dragged to the Texas Tech football games. Oh crap, here they come. *ducks and hides*

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CSM started back up today, it was quite fun! we had about 15 people total and about 8 new people, it was really fun starting to get to know the new people and, kinda catch up with the returning members.  I say kinda cause i kept up with everyone over the summer, and that's what i love about our group, we actually keep up with each other outside of the meetings, i've been in a few bible study groups in the past where i didn't really see anyone outside of the set times and when the groups quit meeting i never saw anybody again, so i really like having a group that i can actually hang out with.  Its looking like its going to be a really good group this semester and hopefully we'll have more people show up along the way...

soon we will be starting up operation christmas child again...its early i know...but the deadlines usually late november and the earlier you get the word out the better...

so yeah,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

rainclouds and pajamas

There must be something about colleges, rainy mornings, and pajamas.

I'm in the school library right now and i look around and see pagamas and fuzzy slippers...i'll admit it i've worn pjs to school acouple of times i'm not knocking it, i just love the will power some people have to be lazy. Especially here at TCC there are no dorms, which means nobody lives on campus. these people had to get up and drive willingly saying 'I'm going to be lazy today.' I'm pretty sure the thunderstorm from last night is to blame. It was awesome woke me up and knocked out the power briefly. And when i was driving this morning the sky was amazing, I got up too late for the sunrise, but the dark clouds and blue sky were just epic. and i can't tell if the rainclouds are coming or going, and i'm not sure i want to look at a forecast either, today seems like a good day for surprises.

until next time,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

these hallowed halls of learning

the 2010 fall semester started this week. 5 classes. 13 credit hours. and my goal is nothing less than A's.

Christian Student Ministries starts back up next week, Wednesdays at 1:30 hopefully we'll have a good group again this year, if you go to TCC northwest you should check it out!

as far as my classes go i'm really stoked about 2 of them Kickboxing and Digital Art!
Kickboxing is really gonna be fun we're going to be learning Muay Thai, which is the martial art of Thailand, it sounds intense

Digital art looks really fun they're teaching illustrator and photoshop! i've always wanted to play with photoshop! Oh, and apparantly i have to post my work and stuff on a blog so hopefully i can post them here if not i will post a link!

soo i promise a better and longer post saturday


Saturday, August 28, 2010

friday nights, football, and what not

I went to my old high school's football game last night. Of all the things that have changed at that school in the past 2 years the football team has remained consistent...the final score: 21-42...yeah...the football team isn't great...however the Band was awesome like always! Yes, it was good go and see the band's show and hear the tunes I must have played a thousand times in the stands. Its fun to go back to the games, especially now that my sister is in high school (man i feel old...) and as much as I miss playing in the stands it definitely better to go simply as a spectator, to just sit and cheer for my team as they drop every pass thrown and let the other side slip through the cracks...

I'm actually considering going to a marching contest if any of them are close by...(Anybody down for a Saturday full of marching bands?)

though for the most part i think now that my sister decided to be on the swim team, that i'll be turning attention towards that and rooting for her as she does her thing.

lets see what this school year brings!

until next time sports fans,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[No Title, Can't Think of Anything Clever]

As of two days ago (AKA Monday) I have 4 less teeth in my mouth...and it sorta hurts but not really... my two biggest problems are 1) not eating a whole lot of substantial food stuffs and 2) not going anywhere, apparently its kinda bad to drive when you have pain meds in your system...whatever...(note I'm not driving while these pills are in my system there that should stop the flood of e-mails from concerned citizens). But seriously i'm getting bored stuck at home I wanna go do stuff I probably will tomorrow I have a follow up appointment tomorrow so the dentist can see how I'm healing anyway so I have an excuse to leave...but enough about my life...

For most of my readership school is going to be starting up pretty soon ( if it hasn't already...) and so some of us are moving to places such as Raider Land (AKA Lubbock), Arlington, and where ever else your school might be...(anyone studying somewhere outside Texas? The US? If anyone is going to college on Mars, please hook me up!)

So as the clock winds down to that first day don't forget to say your goodbyes, swap e-mails, triple check everything you're packing, burn any cds you need to give to anyone. But lastly (now remember this is important) don't forget that your time in schooling is supposed to be a learning experience and it will be tough, but do remember to have fun along the way...

That does it for this weekly post... I'll see you next week,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The fans have demanded another post, and from the text messages I've been receiving from one of them they're on the verge of a riot so to quiet the masses enjoy

the warnings that i need to post a blog has makes me think i don't update often enough, I'm gonna change that...I'll be updating once a week from here on out. i make no promises however especially after thanksgiving when the homework intensifies. I'll try to update on Wednesdays...

I've got a new story in the works and it should be up next week i still need to revise it, apparently the first draft had an issue with run-on sentences...(*Glares at Toothpic*)

Anyway It looks like a busy weekend recording and editing. Yay! followed up with some wisdom tooth extractions. meh... but such is life.

tune in again next week same bat-time, same bat-channel


Monday, July 5, 2010


Greetings to all of you in Internetland. (Yes I said Internetland...don't look at me like that...)
I hope each and everyone of you had wonderful and safe Independence Day celebrations over the weekend, and if you live outside of the US in weird and strange places, such as Canada, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, despite the excuse to blow stuff know, I wonder if other countries use explosives to celebrate their birthdays? Any way had fun last night hanging out at my aunt and uncle's swimming and eating ribs and beans and other good foods and then enjoying the fireworks put on by the city of Vicksburg

I'm sitting in the living room at my grandmother's place here in Madison MS, and once again it rains...seriously every time I come out here, it rains...i'll be here for the next couple of weeks, hanging with family and what not...

So with out much else going on I'm going to introduce a new feature which will probably be used 3 times and then sit at the bottom of the closet collecting dust...without further ado:


That's right this is the part of the show where we pull a post from myspace written all the way back in 2007 when the presidential elections were barely beginning to pick up steam, and facebook was not widely used...

this post was entitled

Who Reads The Manual Anyway?

Do you ever pay attention to the warning labels on those bottle rockets or firecrackers?  You know, the one's like "WARNING: contains explosives!!!" (well, duh) or "DO NOT POINT TOWARDS PETS or PEOPLE!!"(again, duh). And yeah, they're stupid, but have you ever done something wrong and later thought " Man, that was stupid..."?

And when realizing that 99% of us don't read warning labels, or read instruction manuals, I wonder, how many of us are paying attention to God's instruction manual? Are we reading and following His instuctions and warnings? How many can actually tell me that (pardon the crude analogy) they have read to learn that flap "A" folds into slot "B", or or have you tossed the manual aside and are currently attempting to put flap "A" into slot "D"? I'll admit, there have been times that I have tossed aside the Bible to attempt to float through life, only to realize that i need the instruction manual, to correctly assemble the proverbial model car.

How about you are you reading the manual? Or are you one of the people they write the warning labels for?
Wow it seem that has as much relevance now as it did those many years ago...

until next time sports fans,
-SuperNerd “2007 feels like a lifetime ago” 64

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthday Post

its my birthday and I have a headache...

ok i'm done negativity over with :)

It's my 20th birthday... and as my friend That Guy said to me today one more year until we can buy assault rifles...not excited about the ability to purchase alcohol no, just assault rifles...such are my friends. And I want to say thanks again to all those who have wished me a happy birthday (I can't reply to everyone individually now...what will I do if this blog gets famous? *gasp*). But on a slightly more serious note, is it just me or as we get older do our birthdays tend to sneak up on us? Seem to kind of pass with out as much flair? Yes I had an awesome time with my family yesterday, yes the Star Wars themed cake (which was made up of a bunch of cupcakes XD) but perhaps as we get older we get less materialistic, maybe we realize it all isn't about us...or maybe i'd just rather spend time with family and shop at half-price books and then go home to play SimCity 4...

Or maybe everyone gets to that point where age really just becomes a number and it you really don't care about your age I think its somewhere betwixt 18 and like 34...but who knows...

Anywho, this is one of the few posts that i'm writing per request, half of my followers on blogger ( all 1 of them) personally requested me to post on my birthday... so here it is...(apparantly the few people who do follow me can't get enough of my random

So school is out for the summer, no I'm not taking summer classes, I kinda waited too late and kinda didn't want to rush through a course... However I guess that gives me more time to blog...(and the crowd goes wild)

speaking of crowds (don't you just love my seamless segues?) i'm totally down for some baseball this if you're intrested let me know...

and those of you that have access check facebook for possible summer get togethers...not that i'm going to plan a whole bunch of stuff...but definitely gotta have a campfire type thing in my backyard at some point...

I would keep rambling but i gotta keep and eye out for the A/C guy...

until next time sports fans,


Friday, May 14, 2010

So, Blogging....

I've had this blog set up for months...and i'm just now starting to write in it again , which probably proves how all over the place i am, (finals tend to do that...),

Moving on i plan to blog ALOT over the summer, now that the spring semester has wound down and i have a little more time, it'd be nice to get back into writing again...

expect randomness, seriousness, silliness, and just all around strange and intresting happenings...

also working on getting my shutterfly account up to date so expect links to pictures of crazy random things soon!

tune in again, same bat-time same bat-channel
